
Change Game Resolution

This guide is meant to be used after the game has been successfully installed.

  1. Navigate to the "gaiaxi.ini" boot file and open it with a text editor such as Notepad
    Default location: "GaiaXI\config\boot\gaiaxi.ini"
  2. Go to the very bottom of the file where you'll see "[ffxi.registry]" followed by a list of numbered settings
  3. Change the following lines to match the corresponding settings:
    Do not edit anything to the right of a semi-colon.

    0000 = 6    ; Mip Mapping Level: 0 = Off, 1 = On, 6 = Best Quality
    0001 = 1920 ; Window Resolution (Height)
    0002 = 1080 ; Window Resolution (Width)
    0003 = 4096 ; Background Resolution (Height)
    0004 = 4096 ; Background Resolution (Width)
    0037 = 0 ; (Menu scaling - width, 0 matches resolution)
    0038 = 0 ; (Menu scaling - height, 0 matches resolution)
  4. Save and close