
The vast majority of crafting works as it should. Some things are a bit different though!

Capping Your Skills

  • All crafting skills may be leveled to 100.

Available Recipe List

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Fishing on Gaia XI

Fishing can be a bit funky at times but should be working the way it was intended.

Crafting Torques

Craft Torque HNM
Alchemy Alchemist's Torque King Behemoth
Bonecraft Boneworker's Torque Khimera
Clothcraft Weaver's Torque Cerberus
Cooking Culin. Torque Aspidochelone
Goldsmithing Goldsmith's Torque Vrtra
Leathercraft Tanner's Torque Nidhogg
Smithing Smithy's Torque Tiamat
Woodworking Carver's Torque Hydra

The Master Crafter

A mysterious figure has been seen in Ru'Lude Gardens claiming to be a Master Crafter, able to craft any item you wish. View more details!