Modified Nyzul Isle Investigation

Unlike other assaults, Nyzul Isle Investigation incorporates a random progression of floors through a tower-like concept where reaching the top 100th floor through various objectives will prove the adventurer victorious.

Meet the Requirements

In order to be eligible, you must be at least level 75 and have access to Assault.

Where to Begin

Speak with Sorrowful Sage in Aht Urhgan Whitegate (L-10).


Reach floor 100 and defeat the final boss.


  • Buffs will wear upon entry.
  • Nyzul Isle Investigation requires 1 Imperial Army I.D. Tag.
  • Assault Points will not be earned from successful completion of this mission.
  • Completion rewards tokens. The amount of tokens earned is determined by how many floors are successfully cleared before exiting, and how high the floors were.
    • The player who begins the assault will receive 100% of possible reward tokens.
    • The player(s) who do not begin the assault will receive 10% of possible reward tokens.
    • Tokens are required to start the assault above floor 5.
    • Tokens are required to purchase temporary items from the vendor box in the lobby at the start of the assault.


The player who begins a run will be given progress on their Runic Disc. Accompanying players do not receive progress on their Runic Disc.


A single run through Nyzul Isle Investigation consists of progressing up through various floors. Each floor has a random objective that must be completed before the party will be allowed the choice of moving on to the next floor, or exiting the assault area. The standard goal of this assault is to progress through five of these floors within the time limit of 30 minutes, although the amount remains somewhat arbitrary and is not restricted to just five floors. If time permits the party can choose to try to complete more floors, where doing so will yield a higher token reward, more NM opportunities, and a higher floor recorded on the disc if applicable. However, while the disc will record progress to any floor, players will still only be able to start on a floor that is equal to 1 plus a multiple of 5 (1, 6, 11, 16...).


Any member of the party can use the lobbys Rune of Transfer to select the starting floor using the recorded progress on their Runic Disc. Starting on a floor other than 1 will require a payment in Tokens. Players without a Runic Disc are advised to check the Rune of Transfer before starting to obtain one.

There are 100 floors in Nyzul Isle, and the player in control of the Rune can warp the party to any 5th floor they have recorded on their Runic Disc. For example, a player who has cleared floor 15 can start on floor 1, 6, 11, or 16.

Token Yield

Token yield per floor is 200, plus 10 every 5 floors, no matter the party size.

Starting Floor Tokens Required Tokens Rewarded
Rune Controller
Tokens Rewarded
Rest of Party
1 0 1000 100
6 500 1050 105
11 550 1100 110
16 600 1150 115
21 650 1200 120
26 700 1250 125
31 750 1300 130
36 800 1350 135
41 850 1400 140
46 900 1450 145
51 1000 1500 150
56 1100 1550 155
61 1200 1600 160
66 1300 1650 165
71 1400 1700 170
76 1500 1750 175
81 1600 1800 180
86 1700 1850 185
91 1800 1900 190
96 1900 1950 195

Temporary Items

The Vending Box is in the lobby next to the Rune of Transfer. Players may optionally purchase these temporary items at a cost of tokens.

Rune of Transfer

At the beginning of every floor of Nyzul Isle is a Rune of Transfer. The Rune of Transfer has the following properties:

  • The Rune of Transfer will initially only display the floor objective when examined. Upon meeting the objective, the Rune will light up.
  • Activating the Rune of Transfer after completing the floor objective will present options of exiting the assault or proceeding to the next floor.

If you choose to exit the assault, it will be deemed a success, regardless of how many floors you've completed, and you will be awarded with a certain number of tokens depending on how many floors you progressed through. If the Rune Controller's Runic Disc is eligible for having its progress updated, it will be updated at this point upon exiting.

At the end of a floor, occasionally the choice will be given to go either left or right when moving on to the next floor. One of these choices will effectively unleash a pathos on the next floor, either beneficial or detrimental.

  • A beneficial pathos may be an attribute bonus, a regen, refresh, regain, flurry, or concentration effect.
  • A detrimental pathos may be a debilitation, omerta, or impairment, but only applies to a single attribute or magic type.
  • The pathos will automatically wear off when advancing to the next floor.

If you choose to proceed to the next floor, you must complete its objective before you have another opportunity to exit. If you are short on time, you may not wish to choose this option, because if you cannot complete its objective in the time remaining, you will lose the assault and will receive no tokens nor have any progress recorded.

Choosing "Proceed to the next floor" on floor 100 will send you to floor 1.

Runic Disc

A player's progression through Nyzul Isle Investigation is saved on their Runic Disc, obtained from the initial Rune of Transfer.

If you clear a floor's objective and successfully exit, only the Rune Controller's Runic Disc will record data on any completed floors up to that floor. If a floor that's a multiple of 5 was achieved, they will be able to start from the next floor on a subsequent assault run. For example, if your disc has recorded up to floor 40, you use your disc to start on floor 41, and clear floor 45 and exit, you will be able to start on floor 46 on a subsequent run.

  • Only the Rune Controller's Runic Disc can be updated during a run.
  • If the party exits before clearing the fifth level (e.g. time running out), progress will still be recorded to that last floor. However, you will not be able to reach the next floor range until the fifth consecutive floor is recorded onto the disc.
  • Players will still receive tokens and Mercenary Rank points on a successful exit even if their Runic Disc was ineligible for progression.

Enemy Layouts

Family Spawns
Aquans Greatclaw x6, Stygian Pugil x4, Kulshedra x2
Amorphs Bouncing Ball x3, Thousand Eyes x3, Mousse x4, Black Pudding x2
Arcana Killing Weapon x2, Ominous Weapon x2, Magic Flagon x2, Friar's Lantern x4, Sweeping Cluster x2
Undead Garm x3, Tainted Flesh x3, Draugar x4 (Black Mage x2 / Thief x2), Bhoot x2
Vermin Carmine Eruca x3, Spinner x3, Wamouracampa x4, Wamoura x2
Demons Imp x10, Psycheflayer x2
Dragons Puk x10, Wyvern x2
Birds Marsh Murre x3, Lesser Colibri x3, Ziz x4, Peryton x2
Beasts Wild Karakul x3, Wajaom Tiger x3, Manticore x4, Marid x2
Plantoids Death Cap x3, Puktrap x3, Leshy x4, Ameretat x2
Lizards Sand Lizard x3, Deinonychus x3, Bull Bugard x4, Wivre x2
Amorphs Bouncing Ball x5, Thousand Eyes x5, Mousse x2
Mixed Peryton x10, Mousse x2
Mixed Draugar x10, Mousse x2
Amorphs Mousse x6, Black Pudding x6, Ebony Pudding x4
Arcana Killing Weapon x3, Ominous Weapon x3, Magic Flagon x6

Notorious Monsters are not tied to any of these layouts and appear randomly. In addition, on floors with "eliminate all enemies" objective, a Dahak may be encountered regardless of layout. The Dahak can only appear on floors with this objective. The actual amount that appears on any given floor may be less than listed.

Notorious Monsters

There are various Notorious Monsters that are summoned by the archaic ramparts of Nyzul Isle. The HP and overall strength of these NMs will not be as it is outside of this assault and their power will be scaled. The NMs are not necessarily going to match the floor's layout, and it is possible to encounter the same NM twice in the same run, but not on the same floor.

Upon defeat of one of these NMs, it will drop an Armoury Crate 100% of the time, and opening one will bestow a ??? Item that can be appraised. These have a possibility of becoming the special/unique item that the NM normally drops in the outside world. They also have a chance of dropping one of the Nyzul Weapons, which will appear in the party's treasure pool and not in the Armoury Crate.

Be aware that unless the floor's objective is to "eliminate all enemies", it is never required for one or all of these NMs to be defeated.

Every 20 floors, there are 18 different NMs that may spawn:

  • Floor 1-19 Bat Eye, Shadow Eye, Bomb King, Juggler Hecatomb, Smothered Schmidt, Hellion, Leaping Lizzy, Tom Tit Tat, Jaggedy-Eared Jack, Cactuar Cantautor, Gargantua, Gyre-Carlin, Asphyxiated Amsel, Frostmane, Peallaidh, Carnero, Falcatus Aranei, Emergent Elm
  • Floor 21-39 Old Two-Wings, Aiatar, Intulo, Orctrap, Valkurm Emperor, Crushed Krause, Stinging Sophie, Serpopard Ishtar, Western Shadow, Bloodtear Baldurf, Zizzy Zillah, Ellyllon, Mischievous Micholas, Leech King, Eastern Shadow, Nunyenunc, Helldiver, Taisaijin, Aquarius
  • Floor 41-59 Fungus Beetle, Friar Rush, Pulverized Pfeffer, Argus, Bloodpool Vorax, Nightmare Vase, Daggerclaw Dracos, Northern Shadow, Fraelissa, Roc, Sabotender Bailarin, Aquarius, Energetic Eruca, Spiny Spipi, Trickster Kinetix, Drooling Daisy, Bonnacon, Taisaijin
  • Floor 61-79 Golden Bat, Steelfleece Baldarich, Sabotender Mariachi, Ungur, Swamfisk, Buburimboo, Keeper of Halidom, Serket, Dune Widow, Odqan, Burned Bergmann, Tom Tit Tat, Tyrannic Tunnok, Bloodsucker, Tottering Toby, Southern Shadow, Sharp-Eared Ropipi, Taisaijin, Unut, Vouivre
  • Floor 81-99 Panzer Percival, Vouivre, Jolly Green, Tumbling Truffle, Capricious Cassie, Amikiri, Stray Mary, Sewer Syrup, Unut, Simurgh, Pelican, Cargo Crab Colin, Wounded Wurfel, Peg Powler, Tom Tit Tat, Jaded Jody, Maighdean Uaine, Taisaijin

Floor Objectives

Eliminate All Enemies
  • You must defeat every enemy on the floor to unlock the Rune of Transfer. This includes any Archaic Ramparts and Notorious Monsters.
Eliminate Enemy Leader
  • There is exactly one enemy on the floor that will unlock the Rune of Transfer. This leader is a Notorious Monster that is unique to Nyzul Isle.
  • On every 20th floor, an HNM will be encountered as the the enemy leader; see boss floors below for more information.
Eliminate Specified Enemy
  • There is exactly one enemy on the floor that will unlock the Rune of Transfer. The correct enemy does not have the name of a Notorious Monster. Rather, it will always be a seemingly regular non-NM enemy from the floor layout that inexplicably checks as Impossible to Gauge, even though all other enemies with that name would check as something else.
Eliminate Specified Enemies
  • There is a particular group of enemies on the floor, all of which must be defeated to unlock the Rune of Transfer. These enemies check as Impossible to Gauge and are generated in addition to the floor's standard layout of mobs. There will always be 2-5 of these enemies to kill, and they are often scattered about, though sometimes they appear in pairs or groups.

Secondary Floor Objectives

Avoid Discovery by Archaic Gears
  • You must accomplish the primary objective without aggroing any Archaic Gear/Archaic Gears.
  • Note that this objective only forbids being aggroed by gears. You are allowed to defeat them if necessary without incurring a penalty.
Do Not Destroy Archaic Gears
  • You must accomplish the primary objective without killing any Archaic Gear/Archaic Gears.

Boss Floors

On every twentieth floor, you will encounter an HNM that appears in other parts of Vana'diel that can drop pieces of the Goliard, Denali, or Askar sets and can drop one of the Nyzul Weapons.

  • On floors 20 and 40, you will encounter either Adamantoise, Behemoth, or Fafnir.
  • On floors 60, 80, and 100, you will encounter either Cerberus, Hydra, or Khimaira.


??? Items

Throughout the mission, you will encounter a few familiar Notorious Monsters while completing your objectives. Upon defeating them, an Armoury Crate will drop, and whoever opens it will receive a ??? Item coinciding with the special/unique drop of the NM. These ??? items, upon appraisal, have a small chance to become the special item that normally drops from the NM.

All ??? Items must be appraised like normal in order to obtain the true reward. Be advised that the appraisal rarely results in the NM's item drop; most of the time it will just be low level equipment.

Vigil Weapons

Notorious Monsters also have a chance of dropping one of the 18 Vigil Weapons, the base form of the Mythic Weapons. These items are added to treasure pool along with any other item drops.

All the HNM bosses every twenty floors will always drop one random Vigil Weapon. The HNM on Floor 100 of Nyzul Isle will always drop 2 of the 18 Nyzul Weapons; one will be randomly selected as with the previous 20th floors, but another will be dropped that will always coincide with the current job of whoever selects the floor at the start of the run. For instance, if a WHM selects floor 96, one of the weapons looted on floor 100 will always be a Werebuster.

Vigil Weapons
Burning Fists (MNK) Brave Blade (PLD) Dancing Dagger (BRD) Death Sickle (DRK) Double Axe (BST) Inferno Claws (PUP)
Killer Bow (RNG) Mage's Staff (BLM) Quicksilver (COR) Radiant Lance (DRG) Sasuke Katana (NIN) Scepter Staff (SMN)
Sturdy Axe (WAR) Swordbreaker (THF) Vorpal Sword (RDM) Wightslayer (BLU) Werebuster (WHM) Windslicer (SAM)
Nyzul Armor

In addition to the aforementioned rewards, every 20 floors there will be a boss battle, as explained above, which will always reward the adventurers with a Vigil Weapon, any possibly one item from the following sets:

  • Askar Korazin Set
  • Goliard Saio Set
  • Denali Jacket Set
Floor 20 Floor 40 Floor 60 Floor 80 Floor 100
Denali Gamashes Denali Kecks Denali Wristbands Denali Jacket Denali Bonnet
Askar Gambieras Askar Dirs Askar Manopolas Askar Korazin Askar Zucchetto
Goliard Clogs Goliard Trews Goliard Cuffs Goliard Saio Goliard Chapeau

Completing one or more floors of Nyzul Isle Investigation for the first time, as long as you exit via the Rune of Transfer will reward you with 5 points toward your Mercenary Rank promotion. Subsequent completions, as long as you exit via the Rune of Transfer, will reward you with 1 point.

Upon completing Floor 100, your Runic Disc will be reset and you will be required to start from floor 1 again.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please read through the following carefully before contacting a Gaia XI team member.

I didn't receive progress for completing 5 floors.

Only the player who began the run will receive progress. Be sure to exit the assault after completing 5 floors via the Rune of Transfer. Leaving the assault in any other manner will not grant progression.

Something isn't working right.

Let Highwind know as soon as possible. He can't fix what he does not know is broken.