Terms of Use
Agreement to the Terms
By creating an account and/or playing on Gaia XI, you agree to all of the terms and items listed below. If you do not agree to any of the terms listed below, you are not authorized to use any of Gaia XI's services.
These terms last updated June 18, 2024
Subject to Change
Terms of Use for Gaia XI is subject to change at any time and for any reason.
Free to Play
Gaia XI will always be a free-to-play Final Fantasy XI server. If at any time a donation is made to Gaia XI, for any reason whatsoever, the donation will be made strictly as a "thank you" for offering a place to play.
Paid Items & Donations
Gaia XI may offer premium currency as a thank you for donations via the Gaia XI Store. All donations are final and do not grant any other special rewards or treatment. Please donate accordingly.
No Cheating
Cheating is determined as using a tool or exploit that enhances or alters gameplay to give you an unintended, unfair advantage over another player or the game. This includes, but is not limited to, using programs that alter the location of your player, grants special abilities, items, stats, etc that are otherwise outside the intended methods of the game, or using exploits. Exploits are defined as taking advantage of features in the game that were clearly unintentional. An example of an exploit would be creating multiple characters to send themselves additional gil or items. Bots (software/apps outside the original software or not shown on the approved list below) that perform actions on your behalf are not allowed. CurePlease is a white-listed bot due to low population.
Players caught cheating will be assigned infraction points. Players who reach specific levels of infraction points will be subject to warnings, in-game jail time, suspensions and permanent bans from Gaia XI. Infractions will be listed on your "My Account" page. If you have to ask yourself or another person if something might be considered cheating, just assume that it is.
Treat Each Other with Respect
We expect all players to treat each other with kindness and respect. We understand that things happen that may cause frustration, but to take it out on another person will never be acceptable. In most cases, players will be given a verbal warning on the first offense.
No Limit of Accounts Per Player
Players may have unlimited accounts.
Maximum 2 Accounts Per Player Online at a Time
Players may have maximum of 2 accounts logged on at a time.
Maximum 1 Character Per Account
Players may have one character per account.
Dual-Boxing Allowed
Players who wish to play separate characters on separate accounts at the same time are permitted to do so. Keep in mind that Gaia XI has many features incorporated to help players diverge from using multiple characters at the same time. Please remember that tools used to automate a character are not allowed and user input is required. CurePlease is a white-listed bot due to low population.
Character & Linkshell Names
Names used for characters, linkshells and anything else that is community facing must be considered moderately appropriate. This includes, but is not limited to: foul language, impersonation of someone or group, innapropriate innuendo, names that may conflict with our server or database, etc. Whether or not your name is deemed appropriate is at the discretion of the Gaia XI team. If your name is found to be inappopriate, it will be changed by a Game Master. If the issue persists, the character and/or account will be suspended and/or deleted.
Known Acceptable Ashita Addons & Tools
If you are using any plugins or addons not on this list, remove them immediately. This list can change at any time.
- addons
- allmaps
- ashitacast
- aspect
- autojoin
- autorespond
- blucheck
- blumon
- blusets
- butterfeet
- cfhblock
- chamcham
- chains
- changecall
- chatfix
- chatmon
- checker
- cleancs
- clock
- config
- craftmon
- cureplease
- debuff
- distance
- drawdistance
- enternity
- equipmon
- filterless
- filters
- filterscan
- fps
- freemem
- hardwaremouse
- hgather
- hideconsole
- hideui
- hxui
- ime
- imguistyle
- instantah
- instantchat
- itemwatch
- ja0wait
- libs
- links
- logincmd
- logs
- macrofix
- mapdot
- minimap
- minimapmon
- mipmap
- mobdb
- move
- noname
- partybuff
- petinfo
- points
- recast
- renamer
- rolltracker
- screenshot
- sexchange
- singlerace
- skillchains
- stfu
- timestamp
- tokens
- tparty
- thirdparty
- toon