Heroes of Highwind XI


Jul 12, 2020 - Sep 02, 2020

Job Status

WAR 10 MNK 01 WHM 01
BLM 40 RDM 75 THF 75
PLD 01 DRK 20 BST 01
BRD 01 RNG 01 SAM 01
NIN 37 DRG 01 SMN -
BLU 10 COR - PUP 01

Mission Status

Bastok 8-2, Enter The Talekeeper
Sandoria No data
Windurst No data
Zilart ZM 5, Headstone Pilgrimage
Promathia 1-1, The Rites Of Life
Treasures TM 2, Immortal Sentries

Craft Status

Alchemy 30 Bonecraft 30
Clothcraft 30 Cooking 30
Fishing 0 Goldsmithing 30
Leathercraft 30 Smithing 30
Woodworking 30


15 %
total awards
out of 480
total points
out of 5380