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Item Name Level Lowest Bid Stock
Footshard Blm 0
Footshard Blm x12 0
Footshard Blu 0
Footshard Blu x12 0
Footshard Brd 0
Footshard Brd x12 0
Footshard Bst 0
Footshard Bst x12 0
Footshard Cor 0
Footshard Cor x12 0
Footshard Dnc 0
Footshard Dnc x12 0
Footshard Drg 0
Footshard Drg x12 0
Footshard Drk 0
Footshard Drk x12 0
Footshard Geo 0
Footshard Geo x12 0
Footshard Mnk 0
Footshard Mnk x12 0
Footshard Nin 0
Footshard Nin x12 0
Footshard Pld 0
Footshard Pld x12 0
Footshard Pup 0
Footshard Pup x12 0
Footshard Rdm 0
Footshard Rdm x12 0
Footshard Rng 0
Footshard Rng x12 0
Footshard Run 0
Footshard Run x12 0
Footshard Sam 0
Footshard Sam x12 0
Footshard Sch 0
Footshard Sch x12 0
Footshard Smn 0
Footshard Smn x12 0
Footshard Thf 0
Footshard Thf x12 0
Footshard War 0
Footshard War x12 0
Footshard Whm 0
Footshard Whm x12 0
Lungo-nango Jadeshell 0
Lungo-nango Jadeshell x99 0
Montiont Silverpiece 0
Montiont Silverpiece x99 0
One Byne Bill 0
One Byne Bill x99 0
One Hundred Byne Bill 0
One Hundred Byne Bill x99 0
Ordelle Bronzepiece 0
Ordelle Bronzepiece x99 0
Pair Of Void Handwear Blm 0
Pair Of Void Handwear Blm x12 0
Pair Of Void Handwear Blu 0
Pair Of Void Handwear Blu x12 0
Pair Of Void Handwear Brd 0
Pair Of Void Handwear Brd x12 0
Pair Of Void Handwear Bst 0
Pair Of Void Handwear Bst x12 0
Pair Of Void Handwear Cor 0
Pair Of Void Handwear Cor x12 0
Pair Of Void Handwear Dnc 0
Pair Of Void Handwear Dnc x12 0
Pair Of Void Handwear Drg 0
Pair Of Void Handwear Drg x12 0
Pair Of Void Handwear Drk 0
Pair Of Void Handwear Drk x12 0
Pair Of Void Handwear Geo 0
Pair Of Void Handwear Geo x12 0
Pair Of Void Handwear Mnk 0
Pair Of Void Handwear Mnk x12 0
Pair Of Void Handwear Nin 0
Pair Of Void Handwear Nin x12 0
Pair Of Void Handwear Pld 0
Pair Of Void Handwear Pld x12 0
Pair Of Void Handwear Pup 0
Pair Of Void Handwear Pup x12 0
Pair Of Void Handwear Rdm 0
Pair Of Void Handwear Rdm x12 0
Pair Of Void Handwear Rng 0
Pair Of Void Handwear Rng x12 0
Pair Of Void Handwear Run 0
Pair Of Void Handwear Run x12 0
Pair Of Void Handwear Sam 0
Pair Of Void Handwear Sam x12 0
Pair Of Void Handwear Sch 0
Pair Of Void Handwear Sch x12 0
Pair Of Void Handwear Smn 0
Pair Of Void Handwear Smn x12 0
Pair Of Void Handwear Thf 0
Pair Of Void Handwear Thf x12 0
Pair Of Void Handwear War 0
Pair Of Void Handwear War x12 0
Pair Of Void Handwear Whm 0
Pair Of Void Handwear Whm x12 0
Piece Of Alexandrite 0
Piece Of Alexandrite x99 0
Ranperre Goldpiece 0
Ranperre Goldpiece x99 0
Rimilala Stripeshell 0
Rimilala Stripeshell x99 0
Ten Thousand Byne Bill 0
Ten Thousand Byne Bill x99 0
Tukuku Whiteshell 0
Tukuku Whiteshell x99 0