The Master Crafter

Many items and pieces of gear throughout Vana'diel are very difficult to come by, especially without crafting. While many adventurers are capable of crafting these items, it's not always easy locating one of these adventurers to help. The Master Crafter is an individual that assists in this very predicament, helping adventurers acquire the items they're after.

Meet the Requirements

Anastase will only do business with adventurers Rank 4 or higher

Locating the NPC

Speak with Anastase in Ru'Lude Gardens (G-9)

Represented Guilds

Anastase will craft items from all available guilds


100 gil per required skill level; 100 minimum, 10,000 maximum

No High Quality Results

Anastase will not craft HQ items

No Stacks

Anastase will only craft a single item, no stacks will be produced

How to Use the Master Crafter

These steps must be followed perfectly for a seemless experience.

1) Speak with Anastase

* Anastase will explain his purpose and allow you to use his services.
* There are 2 fees: 100 gil when you submit your order and another when you pick up your item equal to 100 gil * skill required to make your item.

2) Trade the Crystal

* Firstly, trade Anastase only the crystal necessary to craft your item.
* Do not trade any materials. Do not trade gil.

3a) Trading the Materials

* Trade Anastase your materials, (1) slot with (1) quantity at a time.
* Do not trade more than (1) single item at a time. Do not trade gil.

3b) Verification

* You may speak with Anastase at any time to verify the items you've traded.
* At this time, we are unable to print out the names of the items. Please consult FFXI-AH to verify the item IDs.

4) Paying the Fee

* After trading all necessary materials, trade Anastase 100 gil to complete your order.
* Crafting your item will take up to (3) minutes.

5) Retrieving the Crafted Item

* Speak with Anastase after a few minutes have passed and he will tell you the remaining fee due to pick up your item.
* Trade Anastase the remaining fee and you will be given your crafted item.
* This second fee will range between 100 gil and 9,900 gil pending the skill required to make your item.

(A) Cancel Your Order

* At any time after you've traded your crystal and before you've paid the final fee, you may trade Anastase exactly 5 gil to cancel your order.
* You will receive your crystal and materials back. Your fees will not be returned.

Example Craft: Scorpion Harness

The following is a step-by-step example of how to use the Master Crafter to craft a Scorpion Harness.

Step 1

Trade Anastase only the crystal necessary to craft your item.

Step 2

Trade Anastase one Venemous Claw.

Step 3

Trade Anastase one Scorpion Shell.

Step 4

Trade Anastase one Scorpion Shell.

Step 5

Trade Anastase one Ram Leather.

Step 6

Trade Anastase one Ram Leather.

Step 7

Trade Anastase 100 gil.

Step 8

Wait 3 minutes and speak with Anastase. If your item is not ready, zone out and back into Ru'Lude Gardens and talk to Anastase again.

Step 9

Trade Anastase 6,900 gil.

Step 10

Receive Scorpion Harness.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please read through the following carefully before contacting a Gaia XI team member.

I traded items for a high rank item, but it only charged me 100 gil.

Anastase will only charge you 100 gil up front. When you pick up the item, he will request the remaining amount.

I keep getting told he couldn't find anything to make with it.

There are many possible issues with this. The most simple and most likely is that your traded items do not match a recipe. This may be because the items you've traded are incorrect or it could be because the method in which you've traded the items is incorrect. Make sure you are trading (1) slot at a time with only (1) quantity of that item. If you are trading more than (1) slot or stacks within a slot, you will likely receive this message. If you believe you are doing everything correctly, please reach out to a team member.

I have been trying to get a High Quality result and haven't got a single one.

High quality results are not possible through the Master Crafter.

Can I use this to craft an item outside the era?

It may be possible to craft an item outside our era. Please understand that if you do so, the item may disappear from your inventory after you zone and it will not be returned or compensated.

I changed my mind and want my materials back.

You may cancel your order after you have traded a crystal and before you have traded the final fee to pick up the item. You may do this by trading Anastase exactly 5 gil. Your items will be given back to you. Your initial fee will not be returned.